So why do you dance?

Fusion Stepsetters.

Gaynor Minden pointe shoes.

Dance. It's what gets me through the day, sometimes the week. Joining TDC is something I will never regret. All I look forward to when I go to college is to just step into the studio and dance. TDC ; A home like no other. The fact that so many different styles of dance can come come together makes it all the more better, ya know?

I started contemporary this year and I honestly love it. I want to learn so much more before I leave college or rather, before Isabelle leaves the country. I honestly look up to Isabelle so much. Both her and Mark. They're both so inspiring and if I could reach their level of intensity, technique and chemistry when they dance together, oh boy I'd be one happy girl. I guess a permanent partner would be the first step cause long term practice would lead to an understanding between the partners; what they lack and how to compensate for each other like what Isabelle tells me. Ah well, here's a picture of Isabelle and Mark.

So. Intense.
Moving on, I still remember how much it used to hurt to watch people dance when I couldn't cause of my hip injury. When I say it hurts, it hurts like crap. I didn't know it was possible for me feel that much hurt just cause I couldn't dance but watching others dance happily, it was mental and physical torture. It's like you long to dance but you're just watching cause you know you can't. Ah but that was then, I dance pretty much everyday now and that's all that matters (:

I dance because it's only natural. Because it feels so normal to do so that when I don't dance, I feel odd. I dance because that high I feel is something nothing else can give me. Not yet, anyway. I'm hoping surgery gives me the same kind of high. Dancing and performing feels even better now that I'm so much more exposed to it and frankly, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I found myself in dance and that makes it so much more important.

On another note, college is good. Way better than high school. I met Justine in college and she's one heck of a friend. Honestly, she is. The classmates of PM6 are great too! I'm also in student council. Right now, all I'm focusing on is A Levels, TDC and student council. My family and friends too, of course. Everything else will just fall into place like it's supposed to. Someone up there has a bigger plan for me and I don't plan on changing the plans He made for me. So yeah, we'll just let everything else fall into place (:

Justine (:
Okay that's one really long first post. I guess I got my blogging mojo back! Off to get my work done now. Blogger, I've missed you.

Who said I can't be superman?

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