Out with the old, in with the new.

That moment when you feel like you're breaking apart and the only thing holding you together is your skin.

Hello, world!

I think I really am the laziest blogger alive. Or maybe I'm just too occupied with other things to blog but I'm here now! I really wanted to go a goodbye 2011 post but it's obviously a tad bit too late for that. Oh well (: It's already 2012. Time passes by really fast, I think. College's going to end in about 3 to 4 months. I'm partially excited, partially reluctant to leave college. Anyway, this big issue about the world ending in 2012. I think the one thing I'll be saddest about if the world really did end this year would be the fact that I never got to call myself a doctor. I have my fingers and toes crossed about the world surviving all the way till year 3000. Just saying, you know?

I've been rather busy this year. I honestly prefer being busy than being bored but it feels as if I have no time for myself anymore. It's like I have no time to read things I want to read or write stories or play the piano or anything. Just a few months to go till I get to do all these things again. It's taking so much effort to stop myself from buying new books. Self control, Rianne. Self control.


SAM Fiesta was a blast! The juniors in TDC this year are wonderful. I don't know all of them though but I'd like to get to know them throughout the year. Some are rather entertaining but I don't think I'll get into that here. The performance by the seniors for SAM Fiesta was pretty good, I think. Minor setbacks and such but all in all, I think it went pretty well. Pictures up in a bit. As usual, I don't bring my DSLR around cause it's heavy so credit goes to everyone else who bothered to bring their cameras.

Meet Bryan! (:
The girl who handled the whole event, Geraldine (:
Then came the latin competition! Yeah, I took part in this Latin competition last week and it was one hell of an experience. Second place, baby! :D It was great even if it took up a lot of my time and burnt this huge hole in my wallet. It was all worth it (: Stayed over at Cairynne's place right after SAM Fiesta and that was such an enjoyable time. I think 9 of us stayed over and we took lots of pictures and spent lots of time getting ready. I think I take a really long time to shower :S I'll work on that.

Siau Chian and I after waking up :D
Nerd alert!
Meet teddy! I mean, Truman.
I don't have a pretty picture with John but just so you know, he was an awesome partner! I have 19 days till trials start and to be honest, I'm really not ready. Everyone will probably think it's just me being an idiot and such but really, I'm not ready. I'm not even done revising my syllabus so I think I'm about to burst BUT I will cope and I'll be okay. All the effort will be worth it in the end.

Random pictures (:

Fooling around after practice, take one.
Here's take two.
And this wonderful baby is Averey <3
I'm falling sick, yep. I was sick last week and I got better and now I'm sick again. I gotta start taking good care of myself. Not. Allowed. To. Fall. Sick. Until. A2. Is. Over. My little plasma cells need to work overtime okay. I need more antibodies against everything. Guess I'm off now. I'll probably update in three months or something.

God knows we're worth it (:

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