Brown eyed girl.

Hello, world. Meet Penny Cheong.

30th July 2011
Dancing Through Time.

Dear, Penny.

I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you and it's really great that I got to know you this year. You're leaving soon. In less than 2 months and I really don't know how to feel about that. It's a tad bit unfair that I only got to know you for such a short period of time but then again, I thank God that I even got the chance to get to know you. I really look up to you, you know. As a senior, a friend and well, a sister. You never fail to try to see the good things about someone and the fact that you try your best to look at something from someone else's point of view is something I truly admire. You're just so patient and obliging with everyone that sometimes, I wish I could tell people to stop taking advantage of you but then again, it would be rude of me. HOWEVER, if anyone crosses the line, I'll totally whoop that person's butt for you.

It's funny how I could relate to you so easily. From the first day we talked near the studio door right until now, I don't think I've kept anything from you. Not my past and definitely not my present. The fact that you ask a simple "How are you?" or "How have you been?" or even an "Are you okay?" means a lot to me cause no one does it anymore. It's nice to know that at least someone out there genuinely cares and I sincerely thank you for that. I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave. We've always had our little talks in the studio about everything and when you go, I don't think there's anyone left. No one quite like you.

I'll miss you, Penny. I'll miss you loads. Maybe I'll meet you in the UK when I go over to study. I know it's a tad bit early for a post like this but I may not have the time after this. I will send you off though. That's a promise I make. Even if I'm having exams then, I promise I'll go to the airport to see you off. I'm glad you're taking this opportunity to build yourself a future and I'm honestly proud of you for that. We'll keep in touch even if we're at opposite ends of the world and we'll have our conversations on Skype despite the time difference. I will stay up if I have to. I love you, dear! Thank you for everything you've done so far.

You're gonna go far in the things you wanna do, Penny. <3

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